Katrin Oeding is founder and managing director of the international design agency Studio Oeding in Hamburg. The multi-award-winning designer is a jury member of the largest international creative festivals.
Her philosophy: Design is a strategic corporate task and must always follow a holistic concept. This determines the entire development process from the idea to the market launch. For Katrin Oeding, design is a unlimited success factor.
After working as art and creative director at Jung von Matt, Philipp und Keuntje and Kolle Rebbe, the designer founded the agency KOREFE together with Stefan Kolle in 2006. As Head of Design, she conceived many new brands, products and packaging designs, such as the internationally awarded product line “The Deli Garage” or the much-awarded cosmetics line “Stop The Water While Using Me”.
Katrin Oeding likes to pursue unusual approaches. For decades, her broad wealth of experience in economic, ecological and social sustainability has flowed into her projects and creations. She is also co-founder of the sustainable purpose company wildplastic, whose mission since 2018 is to make a major contribution to eliminating the global plastic problem.